Dr. Moya Rowtham, Interim President
Ph.D.; B.A (Hons). Dip. Ed.
Ms. Wanda Hughes, Acting Vice President Academic and Student Affairs (VPASA)
M.A.; B.A
Vice President of Finance and Administrative Affairs (VPFAA)
Mrs. Kayrisa Kelly, Acting Registrar
M.Sc; Postgrad Dip; B.Sc. (Hons)
Ms. Elisée Meliat (OIC), Human Resources Department
Dr. Leighton Naraine, Research Manager
PhD; MA; BA; Cert in Teaching
Mrs. Sonita Daniel, Director of Library Services
BA (Hons)
Mr. Kendall O. Cable, ICT Manager
M.B.A; B.Sc.
Ms. Ruth Slack, Acting Bursar
FCCA; MSc.; BSc. (Hons)
Dr. Hughon James, Counsellor
Ph.D.; M.A.; B.A.
Ms. Clytie L. Gilbert, Acting Student Services Manager
Dr. Joycelyn Archibald Pennyfeather, Dean of Teacher Education
Ed.D; M.Ed; B.Ed; Cert. in Teaching
Ms. Delise Williams, Dean Acting in the Division of Adult & Continuing Education
Ms. Laverne M Brookes, Dean of Arts, Sciences & General Studies
M.A.; BSc. (Hons)
Mrs. Marshalette Smith-Anthony, Dean of Health Science
MBA, MPA, BSN (Hons), RN
Mr. Terry Hanley, Dean of Technical Vocational Education & Management Studies
Ms. Brenda Ceasar, Executive Officer
Mrs. Seana Williams, Acting Assistant Registrar
Mr. Fritzroy Wilkin, Curriculum Development Officer
B.Ed.; Dip. Ed.