The Post Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) is an In – Service programme for secondary teachers who possess a first degree but have not been exposed to any professional training in teaching. The major emphasis in the programme is to help teachers, through exposure to a range of relevant experiences and processes, to function with a high degree of effectiveness in the classroom in the context of rapidly changing global, regional and school environments. At the same time, equal emphasis will be placed on helping the teacher develop as a high quality, discerning professional who recognises the importance of lifelong learning, self-assessment and continuous professional development. Integration of Theory and Practice will be emphasized in this programme.
This programme is designed to help teachers
- develop and demonstrate in the classroom and in the school, an understanding of critical philosophical, sociological and psychological factors which affect the learning and development of children and adolescents;
- examine the ways in which the educative environment contributes to growth and development of children;
- analyse the values and implications associated with current educational practices and, on the basis of this analysis, develop a philosophical platform for action in the classroom, school and educational system;
- improve their understanding of Caribbean educational systems and their organisation, as well as their implications for teacher functioning at the secondary level;
- develop the basic skills necessary for reading and interpreting research data and for conducting action research;
- appropriately diagnose the instructional needs of individuals within a class setting and design instructional programmes relevant to these needs;
- use a variety of learner-centred instructional approaches which promote conceptual understanding, as well as critical thinking and social skills on the part of students, in an holistic manner;
- explore, in collaborative contexts, a range of approaches which can be used in order to integrate new technologies across the curriculum at the secondary level;
- develop the basic skills necessary for conducting formative and summative assessments in classroom settings and employ appropriate feedback strategies to assist learners in addressing challenges encountered;
- improve their understanding of self and others and develop high quality communication and interpersonal skills;
- develop a critical and inquiring attitude to teaching and to their own learning, as evidenced by a predisposition to constructive self analysis and openness to feedback from peers and supervisors.
Applicants must have a university degree or its equivalent in the specialisation which they teach with a G.P.A of at least 2.0. This specialisation must be clearly identifiable (based on official transcript details) and would be evidenced by proof of successful completion of at least eight courses, (equivalent of 24 credits) in the specialisation. The candidate must teach in the specialisation for the full duration of the programme.
Applicants for admission who are not graduates of the University of the West Indies must, at the time of their application, arrange for the submission of official transcripts of their university record to the Campus Registrar.